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Grouping products into categories is an important organizational aspect of an e-commerce platform. By effectively grouping products into categories, you enhance the browsing experience for customers, making it easier for them to find and explore products of interest. Well-organized categories improve the overall organization of your product catalog and contribute to a seamless shopping experience on your e-commerce platform.

New Category

Determine the categories that make sense for your product offerings. Consider factors such as product type, industry, functionality, or customer preferences. Create a hierarchy of categories that allows for logical navigation and easy discovery of products.


  • In DCKAP Commerce admin, under Catalog -> Categories.

  • From the Products page, click Add Category.

  • Enter a name for your category, along with additional details.

  • Click Save.

Edit a Category

When you edit a category, you can make adjustments to an already created categories. It allows you to make changes to various aspects of the category, such as its name, description and more.


  • In DCKAP Commerce admin, under Catalog -> Categories.

  • Click the edit icon next to category name from the list.

  • Modify the category details.

  • Click Save.

Linking products to categories is a crucial step in organizing your e-commerce platform. The process typically involves associating each product with one or more relevant categories to ensure proper categorization and easy navigation for customers.

Method 1

  • In DCKAP Commerce admin, under Catalog -> Products.

  • Click the product name from the list or select Edit under Actions icon.

  • Under Categories field, pick single or multiple categories.

  • Click Save.