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Product Details

Product details play a critical role in effectively communicating the value and variants of a product to potential customers. By providing accurate, compelling, and comprehensive product information, store can enhance the customer's understanding of the product and improve the overall shopping experience.

This information also helps customers make informed decisions and choose products that best meet their needs, increasing the likelihood of a successful purchase.

Title and SKU

Product Name

The name or title of the product, which accurately identifies and represents your item.

SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit)

A unique identifier or code assigned to the product for inventory management and tracking purposes.

Short and Long Description

Short Description

It provides a brief snapshot of the key features or benefits of the product to entice customers and capture their attention.


A comprehensive and detailed description of the product, highlighting its features, benefits, and unique selling points. This description helps customers understand what the product offers and why it may be suitable for their needs.



The regular price of the product that you are charging for the product.

Sale Price

Any discounted price offered compared to regular price. This can be set by clicking the action icon next to Price field.

Images and Videos

Product Images

High-quality images that visually represent the product from different angles or perspectives. Please refer to asset management rules.

Product Videos

A product video is a visual representation of the product that provides a deeper understanding of its features, functionality, and benefits.

Variants and Specifications

Product Variations

If the product comes in different variations such as sizes, colors, or styles, the product details should include information on each variation, such as available options, pricing, and stock quantities.

Custom Fields

Specific characteristics that can be assigned to a product to provide more detailed information or unique attributes that are not covered by standard product attributes. Detailed specifications or technical information about the product, such as dimensions, weight, materials used, or any other relevant details specific to the product.

Product Category: The category or categories to which the product belongs, allowing customers to browse and find it easily within your store's navigation.


Enable Track Inventory if you want to manage inventory. Specify the total inventory of the product you have available for sale. This represents the number of units you currently have in stock.


Minimum Quantity

The "Minimum Quantity" field is an optional attribute that can be included in the inventory details of a product. It allows you to specify the minimum quantity of the product that customers must purchase in a single order.

Quantity Increment

The quantity increment field is particularly useful when selling products that need to be purchased in specific increments or quantities.